Not too bad for just an experiement. It helped me determine where I need to tweak my pattern. The shoulders are a touch too big for me unfortunately. This creates a weird problem with the detachable sleeves (which I've made, but are in dire need of tweaking).
Overall I'm pleased with the results. But when I do this again with my beloved orange silk I'll be doing some more teaking of the bodice. I also plan to raise the waist line more.
Here are the new buttons. They're far more durable:
And while I was working on this experiment, I felt the need to make other garb. Here's a Linen Tunic Dress I made for random SCA events:
I really love how this came out. I especialy love the color scheme.
Sorry about the blurry pic.
And the trim is nice. I salvaged it off an old piece of garb I made horribly years ago. I'm glad I was able to save the trim.
Next Entry will probably involve my next Italian Ren or Steampunkery.:)
- Mood:accomplished