Yup, The hubby and I headed out to another Steampunk event. This one was the H.M.S Winter Masquerade Ball at Balboa park sponsored by Waltz 'n Such. It was a FANTASTIC event!
As you can tell, the two of us went once again to the Middle Eastern/Bedouin look since neither of us have had a chance to put together our Victorian garb. I pieced together the outfit from my SCA garb. The coin bra is from my LoJ costume a couple years back. I figured I worked so much on it, I should wear it again.
My overcoat is new, though. I cut out a period Middle Eastern coat years ago and finally had a chance to put it together a few weeks back. The fabric was another awesome swap meet find from way back in the day. I'll have to take some detailed shots of it eventually.
Max, donned his Morocco Mole outfit. I love it so.
Here we are with my friend Ace who went the Bedouin route as well. She decided to look more exotic. I absolutely love the hair falls she made. She also did a kick ass coat there. I wish I had a better picture of the sleeves because they were awesome.
...the random boot there is my husbands...He likes to shed boots around the house.
The reason I love the Morocco Mole costume so much is because my husband feels compelled to get into character whenever someone points a camera at him.
The event itself was a total BLAST! I really hope they do it again. by then I might even know how to waltz!
Here are some pics...done yet again with my dang camera phone.:

Steam Powered Giraffe opened up the event with a great set. They played throughout the night. I have really fallen in love with their music. And they put on a GREAT show. I'll hopefully get a chance to attend more of their concerts in the future.
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing! This was the opening dance, the Grand March which was really fun to watch.
Waltzing! This so made me want to learn how to waltz. Luckily Waltz 'n Such give lessons every Friday evening in Balboa Park. I'm hoping to start attending after the Holidays. Must learn!!
And we will end this post on a goofy note: