I have returned from another Steampunk outting! My friend Colleen and I vended at HRM Steampunk Symposium about a week ago and had a excellent time! This was our second year vending and this time around we came prepared with costumes, and time to attend a few of the events!
As you can see, Annabell Leigh Langly made an appearance on the ship. I so love this costume! Okay, granted, I tend to look like a busty wench in it, but it still is one of my favorites. I even managed to make improvements by buying new leather pouches to replace my old flimsy canvas ones.
The main event for us though, was the masquerade ball. It was a great evening where Colleen and I managed to escape our booth of DOOOOM (tm), and attend this year.
Colleen looking ravishing in her amazing Mina Harker gown.
At the end of the night, the two of us managed to slip away from the ball to snap some photos of us in the awesome scenery of the Queen Mary. We were about two shots of whiskey in and having a grand ol' time!
By one in the morning we were feeling like this...
I desided to wear my solid color chamise under my gwahzee this round. I really like how the orange and black go together.
As usual, we had a blast of a time! Our next stop is going to me Gaslight Gathering.
More costume craziness ensues!